In Italy, basil symbolizes love; women put a pot of basil outside their window when they are ready for romance...
Basil has a light, fresh, sweet-spicy scent and balsamic undertone.
Nature: uplifting, soothing
It is antiseptic and can be used as a mouthwash for mouth ulcers and gum infections.
Ideal in a cold compress or aromatherapy diffusor to calm the nervous system and ease headaches and migraines.
Principal Actions: Calms the nervous system; stimulating for circulation and digestion.
Practical Uses
Methods of Use: application, aroma lamp, bath, cold compress, hot compress, diffusor, inhalations, massage, mist spray, mouthwash, vaporize
Skin Care with Basil
Basil is a wonderful insect repellent and can be added to a blend to heal insect bites and stings.
To heal insect bites and stings: Mix 2 drops basil, 4 drops tea tree and 4 drops lavender to 20g/4 tsp of a carrier oil such as aloe vera gel and apply to the affected skin.
Circulation, Muscles & Joints
Basil can be used to promote toned, supple muscles before exercise, used by runners on competition day, and aid in the relief of muscular aches and pains.
In the shower: put a few drops of basil on a facecloth and rub on to the muscles before exercising to keep muscles supple. Alternate stimulating oils that can be used for this purpose are: black pepper, cypress, ginger, juniper, peppermint, rosemary.
Runner’s competition oil: Add 5 drops of basil and 5 drops of bergamot to 10ml (1 dessertspoon) of carrier oil and rub the mixture all over your body before the event. Inhale the aroma deeply – the oils work on the psyche as well as the physical body.
In the bath: Add basil (in small amounts) to the bathwater to help relieve discomfort from gout, rheumatism and muscle cramps. Additional oils that can be used in a blend for aches and pains are: chamomile (Roman and German), coriander, eucalyptus, ginger, sweet marjoram, niaouli, black pepper, rosemary.
Respiratory System
To help ease the symptoms of respiratory disorders such as bronchitis, emphysema or sinusitis, add a few drops to a vaporizer, or use as an inhalation.
Digestive System
Use in a gargle to relieve mouth ulcers and gum infection.
Basil is a stomachic (beneficial to the stomach); stimulating gastric digestion; sharpening the appetite, and is used in the treatment of gastroenteritis (inflammation of stomach and intestine).
To ease indigestion or flatulence: Include basil (in small amounts) in a massage blend and apply in a clockwise circular motion over the stomach and abdominal area. Mix: 2 drops basil, 3 drops ginger, 2 drops dill, 2 drops sweet fennel into 20ml/4tsp carrier oil and gently massage abdomen using clockwise circular strokes. Alternate oils that can be used in a blend for indigestion/flatulence: aniseed, black pepper, caraway, cardamon, chamomile (Roman and German), sweet marjoram, orange, peppermint, rosemary.
Genito-urinary and Endocrine System
To help ease the pain of menstrual cramps: include basil (in small amounts) in a hot compress and apply to abdomen. Add 2 drops basil, 4 drops lavender, and 2 drops juniper berry oil to a bowl of water as hot as you can bear, and soak a piece of absorbent material in the water. Fold the material a couple of times, gently wring out excess water, and place the compress on the lower abdomen. Renew when the compress cools to body temperature, and keep it on for at least 30 minutes. Additional oils that are helpful in a hot compress: chamomile (Roman and German), clary sage, cypress, lavender, sweet marjoram, rose (cabbage and damask), rosemary.
Basil has properties which promote and regulate menstruation: Mix 2 drops basil, 2 drops sweet marjoram, 4 drops rose (cabbage or damask) and add to a bath or add the blend to 20ml/4 tsp carrier oil and use in a massage. Additional oils that are helpful in regulating the menses: carrot seed, clary sage, dill, sweet fennel, juniper berry, Spanish sage.
Immune System
Basil has warming properties that promote/increase perspiration, making it helpful for colds, flu and fever.
At the onset of the flu, mix 5 drops tea tree, 2 drops basil and 2 drops thyme to 5ml/1tsp of carrier oil, or use them in a bath.
Additional warming oils that promote perspiration and are helpful for colds and flu are: cajeput, eucalyptus, juniper berry, spike lavender, myrrh, peppermint, pine, rosemary, yarrow.
Nervous System
Basil aids concentration and helps eliminate mental fatigue, is a tonic for nervous exhaustion, stress-related headaches and migraines, and is refreshing and uplifting for depression.
To clear intellectual fatigue: put a couple of drops of basil on a tissue and inhale when needed.
Nervous exhaustion: Use basil either by itself in an aroma lamp or vaporizer, or combine basil with other uplifting oils such as bergamot, cinnamon leaf, clary sage, hyssop, peppermint, lemongrass, petitgrain, pine, rosemary or thyme.
Safety Data: Sweet Basil is non-sensitizing and non-toxic in low concentrations; use in small amounts. Can be a mild irritant; avoid in massage or baths if you have sensitive skin. Basil is generally recommended for use only as a room scent due to its potentially irritant effect. Avoid during pregnancy.
Basil in Aromatherapy
Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum
Note: Top - 14
Parts Used: Flowering tops and leaves of herbs
Source: steam distillation of the leaves and flowering tops from the herb, native to southern Asia and the Middle East. The oil-producing plants are cultivated throughout Europe.
Description and Odor Effect: a colorless or pale yellow liquid with a light, fresh, sweet-spicy scent and balsamic undertone. Its odor effect is at first stimulating, giving way to a warm, comforting feeling.
Blends well with: bergamot, black pepper, cedarwood, clary sage, fennel, frankincense, ginger, geranium, grapefruit, hyssop, lavender, neroli and other ‘green notes’.
Applications: application, aroma lamp, bath, cold compress, hot compress, diffusor, inhalations, massage, mist spray, mouthwash, vaporize
Therapeutic Properties: abortifacient, analgesic, antibacterial, antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antistress, anti-venomous, aperitive, aphrodisiac, blood purifier, carminative, cephalic, diaphoretic, digestive, emmenagogue, estrogenic, expectorant, febrifuge, galactagogue, insect repellent, insecticide, laxative, nervine, refreshing, restorative, sedative, stimulant (adrenal glands; facilitates childbirth), stomachic, sudorific (producing or causing sweating), tonic (nerves), uplifting, vermifuge
Safety Data: Sweet Basil is non-sensitizing and non-toxic in low concentrations; use in small amounts. Can be a mild irritant; avoid in massage or baths if you have sensitive skin. Basil is generally recommended for use only as a room scent due to its potentially irritant effect. Avoid during pregnancy.
Basil - Quick Reference
Skin: deodorant, insect bites (mosquito, wasp), insect repellent
Circulation, Muscles & Joints: gout, muscular aches and pains, rheumatism
Respiratory: bronchitis, coughs, earache, sinusitis
Digestive: dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea
Genito-urinary: cramps, scanty menstruation
Immune: colds, fever, influenza, infectious disease
Nervous: anxiety, concentration aid, depression, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, migraine, nervous tension
Keyword: Illuminates
Basil Magic: Inhale if you want to attract money
The scent of fresh basil causes sympathy between two people; use basil to soothe tempers between lovers.
Basil Harmony
Add these essential oils to 20 ml / 4 teaspoons carrier oil
To lift anxiety or calm an overactive mind:
- 2 drops Sweet Basil
- 4 drops Lavender
- 4 drops Australian Sandalwood
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