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olive_oilOlea europaea

Family: Oleaceae

Part used: fruit

Base oil: use a 10 percent dilution

Olive is an evergreen tree native to the Mediterranean region. The tree reaches a height of about 25 – 40 feet, has smooth grey bark, leathery greenish-grey leaves, and fragrant clusters of white flowers. Olive trees are slow to mature, requiring ten years to start to bear fruit, and thirty years for a sizable crop to be produced. The trees may reach an age of 1,500 years.

Contains: protein, minerals, vitamins

Practical uses: rheumatic conditions, hair care, cosmetics, soothing. The carrier/base oil is used to dilute essential oils in aromatherapy for massage oils and other formulations. For massage oils, it is best to mix 10 – 20 percent of olive oil with other carrier oil before adding the essential oils, due to its thickness.

Therapeutic Properties: antipruritic, cholagogue, demulcent, emollient, laxative, relaxant, vulnerary

The first pressing of the finest selected olives is called extra virgin oil, which is considered the top grade. Virgin oil is considered the second-best grade, and pure olive oil is the third. The pure olive oil is extracted from the pulp and pits left over from the other pressings; it is generally produced by the use of heat and high pressure, solvents bleaching, and deodorizing.

Unprocessed cold pressed olive oil does not go rancid when it is heated, feeds the nerves and is excellent for the skin. is free to access and use.
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