Neroli - Orange Blossom

Neroli is mood uplifting; it boosts confidence, and helps to face emotional fear...

Citrus aurantium

Note: Base

Parts Used: blossom

Source: steam distillation of the freshly picked fragrant white blossoms of the bitter orange; a small evergreen specimen native to the Far East. A solvent extraction is also available and is known as Orange Flower Absolute. Orange flower water is also produced as a by-product of the distillation process. Most of the oil is produced in Italy, Morocco and Egypt.

Description and Odor Effect: a pale yellow liquid with a sweet, floral fragrance and bitter undertone. The absolute is a dark amber viscous liquid with a fresh, warm, sweet-floral fragrance, very similar to the scent of fresh orange blossom. The aroma effect of both neroli and orange flower absolute is uplifting, calming and anti-depressant; a reputed aphrodisiac.

Blends well with: chamomile, citrus essences, clary sage, coriander, jasmine, lavender, myrrh, rose, ylang ylang

Physical Uses: Neroli is used on the skin for scars, stretch marks, thread veins, mature and sensitive skin; neroli tones the complexion and reduces wrinkles. The balancing nature of neroli calms palpitations and improves poor circulation. Neroli soothes the intestines; it is used in the gastric treatment of diarrhoea (chronic), colic, flatulence, spasm, and nervous dyspepsia.

Mental and Emotional Uses: Neroli is perhaps best known for its ability to help with problems of emotional origin: anxiety, depression, nervous tension, PMT, shock and stress-related conditions. Neroli calms nervous tension; relaxes hyperactive children; promotes a restful sleep. Its odor effect is mood uplifting, it boosts confidence and helps one to face emotional fear.

Neroli is often adulterated with the essential oil of petitgrain, which has similar properties and is reltively inexpensive.

Therapeutic Properties: analgesic, antibacterial, antidepressant, antifungal, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antistress, aphrodisiac, astringent, blood purifier, calmative, carminative, cicatrizant, cordial, cytophylactic, deodorant, digestive, emollient, euphoriant, hypnotic, hypotensor, regenerator (skin cells), sedative, tonic, tranquilizer, uplifting

Application: application, aroma lamp, bath, inhaler, lightbulb ring, massage, mist spray

Keyword: Confidence

Neroli was named in 1680 when the princess of Nerole perfumed her gloves, stationary, shawls, and bathwater with the scent.

Neroli Harmony

Add these essential oils to 20 ml / 4 teaspoons carrier oil

To ease interrupted or broken sleep:

  • 4 drops Neroli
  • 4 drops Lanaloe Wood
  • 2 drops Sweet Orange is free to access and use.
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